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There is lots of work in agriculture



How can I help?

Help our farmers to reap their harvest. Many farmers are looking for workers- all year long!

Anyone can work

Please share our platform!

Especially in the agricultural sector teamworking is essential. A good team can reach the impossible. Work goes faster together.

Those who want to apply in pairs or teams should contact a farm with more job vacancies.

Even if you don’t look for a job in agriculture, you can help! Share our job offers with those who could be interested in working in the agricultural sector.


Frequently asked questions

Here you find frequently asked questions in relation to the job search on AgriJob. Any other questions? Don’t hesitate to contact us by email.

About the job search on AgriJob

Who can work in agriculture?

Anyone can work on a farm. It’s important to consider differ aspects. It’s necessary to be 16 years old. Workers from non EU countries need a valid residence permit. All workers must be registred regularly.

Who can publish on AgriJob?

Auf AgriJob können nur Arbeitgeber, welche einen Landwirtschaftsbetrieb führen und Arbeiter suchen, inserieren. Jobsuchende können dort nicht ihre Bewerbungen veröffentlichen. Sie können sich aber für den Jobs Newsletter anmelden.

Is the platform free of charge?

For Jobseekers the platform is free. They can see every job offer and even candidate for them.

About the working conditions

Am I insured and registred regularly?

Every employer has to report the employment contract to the employment agency, to make out a pay slip and to pay wages. This registration also provides for compulsory insurance (NISF/INPS) and accident insurance (INAIL).

How long does the employment contract last?

Employer and employee agree on the duration of the contract, which depends on the needs of the farm. Employment relationships in Italy are regulated by law and collective labour agreements.

How much do I earn?

The wage depends on working experience, education, responsability within the company ecc… Every worker is entitled to the wage fixed by the collective labour agreements. The employer can also pay more than provided in the collective agreements.

To the vacancies